Friday, December 14, 2018

I agree with many of the points made by Aksel Gerber in his article A Major Topic of Concern for Americans: "The Wall"A Major Topic of Concern for Americans: "The Wall". He states several pros to the wall between The United States of America and Mexico such as keeping the country "safer" and protecting the jobs of the Americans. However, I feel that he missed the most important factor to the wall. There are countless Mexican families, waiting to move to the United States legally and the illegal immigrants are making the legal immigration process much more difficult. Additionally, the lack of screening of illegal immigrants makes it virtually impossible to determine who should be allowed into our country and who should not be based on their past criminal activities.  I see no problem with immigrants, in fact, our country is made up of immigrants. But I feel it’s unfair to the men and women trying to enter the country legally, and I think that the main purpose of the wall is to allow for a legal immigration process. He also discusses the cons of increasing the national debt by up to 15 billion and harming our relationship with Mexico. These are some serious cons to be considered. Overall I think this is a very informative article about why and why not to build the wall.

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