Friday, November 30, 2018

Donald Trump recently stated that he would "totally be willing" to shut down the government if he does not get the required funding for the wall. There was a recent bill that would allocate 5 billion dollars in government funds to build the wall to fight immigration. He also stated that the 5 billion is only for a physical barrier and more security would be needed. However, Trump has suggested that he is open to suggestions on what to do if the funding bill does not go through. There is a large gap to fill though as the Democrats are willing to put up 1.6 billion dollars but as you may know, President Trump can be rather stubborn. He has stood by his demand for 5 billion consistently. The president even stated that he "was in no mood" to reach a compromise with the Democrats on the deal. While he is being extremely stubborn, I almost have to respect the tenacity to do what he said he would during his campaign. This is something that is far too uncommon with today's politicians. Despite this, he has continued to show interest in keeping the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to protect young undocumented immigrants brought over as children. Both the Democrats and Republicans have had many years in recent memory where one party controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress, yet they were unable to pass a comprehensive immigration policy. As far as all this current crisis goes, negotiations are underway and hopefully, they will be able to find a solution without a government shutdown.

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